Ciclad, via its Ciclad Entreprise fund, has become a shareholder in the Cognac-based wealth management advisory group Centaure Investissements, alongside its founder and CEO, Cyrille Restier. Since its creation in 2010, Centaure Investissements has grown its client base organically, providing support in its four areas of expertise: wealth advisory services, financial investments (insurance and CIF), insurance brokerage and real estate transactions. The group has also embarked on an external growth initiative, with the acquisition and successful integration of three portfolios.

Ciclad will support Cyrille Restier in his development project, notably through external growth and the development of digital tools. Coinciding with the Ciclad investment, Centaure Investissements made three new acquisitions: the Rhône Capital and Rialto Conseil firms, giving the group a foothold in the Lyon and Lille regions, and a portfolio of customers in the Dordogne region. The group now manages close to €200 million in assets under management, and several other target companies are currently being analyzed by the group.